I am incredibly proud to contribute to the increased awareness of the importance of diversity in science.
I have chaired a committee on diversity, equity and inclusivity for the International Glaciological Society. The work of the committee led to several strucutural changes, including a change in award nominations.
Gender balance of the danish geosciences
With C. B. Skytt-Larsen, University of Copenhagen.
Geoscience is one of the least diverse disciplines within natural sciences. In Denmark, the number of women academics decrease for each step in the academice career ladder. Our project (funded by Geocenter Denmark) documented a number of inequalities across several parameters.
Key findings
1. Women geoscientists are more likely to be employed in temporary positions.
2. The increase in number of women scientists holding permanent positions is too slow.
3. Women geoscientists are less frequently included as co- authors on scientifc publications (see figure to the right).
4. Women geoscientists are less successful at obtaining funding than men.
Report in Danish with summary in English.